Feb 25, 2013
In this episode, we rant about A woman that bedazzles her ankle monitor, parents mad over yoga in school, road rage, man slaps baby on flight, woman injured by exploding bullet in her oven, Texas woman calls 911 for cigarettes, kid steals money gets prostitutes, man has $7500 porn collection stolen, man's scratching...
Feb 18, 2013
In this episode, we talk with Anti-Semantic Show's Pradogod about some nonsense, rant about Meteor strikes Russia, demon attacks school, man killed for laughing at how another man ate a sandwich, attraction planned in Bin Laden death town, meth lab port-a-potty, snow penis toppled, mom interrupts school assembly...
Feb 11, 2013
In this episode, we rant about man drunk inside of Wal-Mart, dog steps on gas pedal man dies, man tattoos his name on girl's face, dreadlocks being stolen, hatchet wielding hitchhiker interview, 2 students lose fingers playing tug of war, boy suspended for throwing imaginary grenade, woman tried to kill her husband...
Feb 4, 2013
In this episode, we rant about a getaway donkey, goat cheese fire shuts down a highway, kid disciplined for making Lego gun, boys have to sign out toilet paper at school, Applebee's fires waitress over tip, woman claim that they preyed away an intruder, pastor claims his penis is blessed, teacher gets fired for...